Thursday, March 24, 2011

Help Me Fellow Bloggers

Anyone who read the nasty comments left on my blog this what you all have been dealing with making everyone go private?  Concerned because I noticed through traffic sources tab that I was searched specifically by name on Google.  More than a little concerned that the mad commenter is someone I know.  I am not worried about some stupid stuff that someone says that couldn't be further from the truth, but I have had to go to moderating comments...sorry, folks, but my nephews and family read this blog!  Glad that Google tracks traffic sources though....may come in handy.


  1. Why do people feel the need to be so mean ? Come on, seriously. They just need to stop it already !!! Sorry to hear that you were the victim of the cyber-bullying that seems to be going on lately. (((HUGS)))

  2. I have not had someone leave a hateful comment yet - don't know how I will handle that. I would hate to lose the freedom of visiting around and finding the gems that I choose to follow. People like that are unhappy so they do those things. They embarrass themselves. I guess I would ignore it unless it became something that happened often. Moderating would be a good way to monitor that and not lose the ability to receive input from people new to our blogs.

  3. I'm sorry you had someone post mean comments on your blog. I agree that these people are sad losers. I haven't had any angry posts yet, I don't have enough readers yet. In an attempt to make light of a hurtful situation...maybe that is how you know you have really made it in the blog I want you to know that I have really, really enjoyed your blog, and I look forward to reading all about your continuing journey to healthy and fit.

  4. I'm with downsizers..It would be such a shame to lose finding new blogs because of nasties sending people private. I remember the first week I blogged, reading and reading thinking..this CAN be done, I can do this,I could be like these successful people, I just have to keep going.
    I HATE the culture of nastiness behind anonymity. I'm pleased you're so sensible about your reaction, I'd like to hope i would be sensible, but I don't really know if I would.Lovely to have you following btw xx

  5. I don't like anonymous comments AT ALL. Luckily, I didn't deal with any of them prior to going incognito. I'm so sorry you had to be the target of a troll with nothing better to do with his/her time. :(

    I missed this happening, but I offer you big hugs...even though I know you're strong enough to know it was a loser who just HAD to be a creep.


  6. I did not read it, Christie, thankfully. There's a small group of goofballs on here that have nothing better to do with their time than go around trying to irritate people. Very pathetic. One of the reasons I can't be bothered any more. Unfortunately, I miss out on all the good people like you and your commentors.

  7. I didn't see the comment that was written but we all know it doesn't matter what other people think. You are doing what you are doing for your health and your family. It isn't easy and you are doing it. Not only are you doing it, you are doing it in a public forum and inspiring other women to do it. That's a brave thing. be proud of you and what you are doing. Don't let anyone discourage you.
