Sunday, January 15, 2012


I recently learned that kindness can be as contagious as the Ebola virus.

It seems the kinder I have been to my body, the kinder the scale has been to me. 

The kinder I have been to my body, the kinder those around me have been to theirs, and by default...the kinder their scales have been to them.

As an overweight mom, I do my best to watch my daughter's weight. 

Not in a crazy "you're gonna be fat if you eat that way", but in a cautious, loving way.  It is important to me as a woman who grew up with so much emphasis on her weight to NEVER have my daughters live through even a fraction of the weight scrutiny (at every turn) that I did.  My focus, conversationally, with my children has always been on making healthy choices. 

Counterbalance...I then am a poor example to them by being focused on my weight.  I pray they will grow up to understand the difference.  My eldest daughter has been gaining weight since she started school.  She doesn't have the play time she did before and she has a father who is a totally poor example of how and what kind of food to eat. He's not the only one to blame because ANYONE who reads this blog can go over the last two years and see when I have  totally failed "refocused" from falling off plan.  I just am concerned when people see us together or when I am at the pediatrician's office that people do not assume that:

Fat Mom = Chubby Kid

When in all fairness it is actually:

  Fat Mom
  Average, Junk Food, Binge-Eating Dad
+Lack of Activity and Accountability at School
  Chubby Kid

I am not exactly sure how to carry the 1 in that equation, but the point is all things are factors.

I took my daughter to the pediatrician over Christmas break.  She had gained 2lbs over the last year (not really a huge deal), but last year as a Kindergartner she had gained a significant amount of weight.  She was nearly 75 lbs at 6 years old.  She wasn't "fat"  It didn't show in her face, arms, or legs, but the belly was a-growing.  I tried to get my husband on board with NOT giving her junk food.  Especially not no avail.

I also found out that one of the "healthy" options at my daughter's school for breakfast was a donut. (this is back when I was working full time and my kids were at daycare at 6am EVERY morning) She loved eating breakfast at school and it was completely by accident that she revealed that she had been eating a donut and a chocolate milk EVERYDAY at school.  I sit her down for a conversation,  God love her...she hadn't learned to lie.  I tell her that if she continues to eat a donut everyday, I will not be able to let her eat breakfast at school anymore.  SHE CRIED.  That darn donut was already that important to her.  We compromised.  She could buy the donut on PE days only and if she didn't follow that guideline, she would have to stop buying breakfast at school.  She agreed.

About a month later, she revealed to us that she was choosing the healthier oatmeal or scrambled egg option, but because she told the cafeteria lady that she was "not allowed to buy a donut" they had begun to give it to her for free and she gladly took it because I told her not to BUY a donut. WHAT?!!!  Are you kidding me?  Now not only was my daughter still eating the donut, but she was eating double the breakfast.  NO MORE SCHOOL BREAKFASTS FOR MY KID.  NO MORE SCHOOL LUNCHES FOR MY KID. 

I tried to involve her in more activity, but I'll be goal in all of this was just for her to maintain the weight she had...until she grew completely into it.  I still wasn't getting buy in from the hub, so it was a struggle. 

A trip to the pediatrician's office for "pink eye" (or my daughter accidentally hitting herself in the eye with a 5lb Fushigi ball..yep...that's right...she learned to lie) where she gained 2 lbs in 365 days changed everything.  The doctor had the "conversation" with me.  You know...the one where we discuss the childhood obesity rate and the one where I "of all people should understand how hard it is."  The one where I couldn't punch my medical professional in the face and drop kick him out of rage.  The one where anything I said would sound like I was skirting the blame.  

So I sat there.  Took every word in the gut. 

Then I took my kid out for I had promised before the visit.  Pancakes that I HAVE NOT been allowing my kid to eat on a regular basis, but instead when we are out for breakfast (maybe 1 time every 2 months)

Then I went home and gave my hubby the what for...

Then he said that maybe he should keep better track of what she eats.

Then he joined my weight loss competition.

Then he allowed my daughter to join (under the guise that its not a weight loss competition, but a challenge for her to learn to make healthy choices for herself.)  We offered her a 20.00 prize or a night out with mom and dad w/o her sister if she makes healthy choices (of which the hope for us as parents will be that she will drop the extra pounds just by making minor changes).  Grandparents stepped in and offered her another $50.00 if she can see it through the end.  

For all of you who worry about this kind of stuff.  She still eats ice cream and has an occasional cookie, but is learning to appreciate yogurt, granola, and fruit for a snack. This makes me ecstatic!!!

Our competition started on January 3.  My household has lost 20 pounds in less than two weeks.  Hubby lost 10, I've lost 8, and my little healthy eater has lost 2.  Overall last week, the 13 participants (who are all following their own plans) lost 78.6 lbs.  We weigh in again on Tuesday.  I hope this feeling is antibiotic resistent and continues to be contagious.

Today's Spark:  Change is good!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Christie on the steps you are taking to encourage your daughter to eat healthy. It is so hard to teach our kids about our mistakes without giving them the wrong message. Also good job on sticking on track yourself, keep up the good work!
