Monday, August 15, 2011

Roller Coaster

When I was a kid we used to sing this song.  I don't really remember what it was called, but part of it went "When you're up, you're up and when you're down, you're down, but if you're only halfway up you're neither up or down."

These days...I feel like my pendulum has been swinging like crazy.  One day I feel like the world is laid out before me and the next...I feel trapped.

I have some things in the works.  Some ideas I am working on.  I still am going to complete my video this week, I have a killer idea for attention grabbing that is artistic, ingenious, and kind of creepy at the same time.

If that doesn't work...there is talk of trying to hit up the casting call in Chicago this weekend, but as of's just talk.

It's a late night.  Almost 1 am here.

Lost in thought.

I know I seem to be very melancholy these days.  There are several of you who have been so kind with your comments, emails, and on FB! I want you to know with all of my woe is me...I really do appreciate your support!  In my personal life, there are just some people who should be supportive to a fault, who unfortunately keep letting me down.  This is disheartening to me and hits me on every insecure level.  Trying to work through this is difficult.  Thanks to you guys, some great friends, and family...I know that I am not alone and I will make it through.

For now...bed.


  1. In UK we know that as a Nursery Rhyme and regularly a scouting song called "The Grand Old Duke of York" or sometimes "The Noble Duke of York" The words are
    Oh, The grand old Duke of York,
    He had ten thousand men;
    He marched them up to the top of the hill,
    And he marched them down again.

    And when they were up, they were up,
    And when they were down, they were down,
    And when they were only half-way up,
    They were neither up nor down.[1]

    The song has actions with participants standing up and down at the right times. Maybe you knew it as a child.

    I know life is tough at the moment, but the day you stop telling it like it is here or hiding how you feel is the day you start to slip away from blogging for if our blogs are not real, there is no point. We will be here in ups and downs to encourage and support. It really isn't about having "up and happy" things to say - its about being yourself.
    Take care and wishing for better days

  2. Dawn that makes sense since Christie's grandma is British
