Saturday, April 2, 2011


Yesterday was my nephew's birthday!  You know...THE NEPHEW, the one who is running walking completing the Komen with me in June.  There is a lot that I wanted to say about him on his birthday, so I was searching for a pic of him from last year's Back to School Bowling Extravaganza (family event, all of which MUST have titles).

In the process, I ran across this picture. 

That's me.  30 lbs ago.  For the first time, I SAW a difference in myself.  ( I cropped other people out to protect the innocent)

See my arm..I was not holding it out.  Wow.  Tears.  For a long time.  How did I let that happen.  That T-shirt is a men's 4x extra long.  Makes me sad to think of all the wasted time, but this pic is the one that got me going on this journey too.  The one that I looked at and said "Who is that?" , before realizing that it was me.

This is the center of today's festivities, though!  This is my Rock Star nephew, Nathan.  Nathan is a great kid.  He is fun and very creative.  I am so proud of him at his age to even take on the challenge of the 5k.  That is kind of what makes me OK with whether I run OR walk it. We will be together and we will complete something together for the first time.  Something that I hope will be the turning point in my journey and something that will reinforce with him what I ALWAYS tell him. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, IF YOU TRY AND YOU PUT IN THE WORK.   He turned 12 yesterday and we will be spending the afternoon with him.    First we will be going to find out what the sex of his mom's new baby is...(after three boys, she is hoping for girl...**so say your girl**cause another niece would be nice), then to his birthday celebration at a pizza buffet. **eeek** (There's a salad bar)  Happy Birthday Nathan! 

I felt a bad for complaining about my financial situation on here yesterday.  Especially because I was unwittingly and definitely unintentionally added pressure onto my hubby.  This is a situation where we have to dig our heels in and get out of it TOGETHER.  We have been together for 17 years and on April 10, 2011, we will be married for 12 years.  This was us 14 years ago.  Totally 90's.  Him with his dyed blond, permed, POWER MULLET and me with my tamed down 90's version of 80's BIG HAIR (also permed ***both of us permed by my grandma, BTW*** GRANNY ROCKED **and still does**).  I was heavy, even then.  Those two people in that picture had sooo much love for each other (still do).  He and I against the world...building our future.  From living in his parent's basement, our many dog children (over the years), our first home, our children, building our new home...the adventure has taken it's twists, turns, and sometimes, it's toll.  Difficulties face you in life and this is just one of those times.  But I am not married to him for his ability to bring in money, I am married to him because I love him and I always have.  If I ever were to question that for a would just take the following two pictures to remind me of why he rocks my socks!


  1. Now I feel bad for commenting on my finacial situation in yesterdays comment
    I didn't take your comments as complaints, but rather commentary, and well... blogging.
    Yes you guys will get through this too, and your marriage will be stronger for it. The love you have for you husband shows through, you don't need to worry about that!

  2. You both sound very very happy and you are lucky to have each other. Life can get tough can't it but having someone who loves supporting you through it, well its the best
