Friday, October 7, 2016

It's really happenening...

Like for real.

The insurance company approval came in yesterday.

Well, here's the real scoop...

A friend of mine was encouraging me to call the insurance company to see if it was approved.  I was hesitant because when it comes to something that is really important to me...I am a rule follower and they told me 30 days.  She is a nurse and she advised me that patients do this all the time and that it really was not a big deal.  So, reluctantly...I called.

I was approved for surgery.  Yay!


hrmpf...  Now WHEN is this happening??

I told myself that I would remain calm and give the Dr. time to receive the info before I followed up with them, but my anxiety got the better of me and I called them.  They had not received the information and I was told that they will likely call me on the same day that I receive approval letter from the insurance company.

More waiting, followed by...the approval letter in my mailbox when I got home last night.

So now, I'm waiting on this dang phone call. Experiencing a crazy mix of giddiness, anxiety, and sheer terror.  Doing everything in my power to not pick up the phone and be pushy.  To not be the heifer that calls relentlessly and nags them to schedule my surgery.  I know the deal.  You should be kind to everyone, but Especially kind to servers and medical providers.  #TrueStory

So, I guess I'll let you know when I know...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your approval coming through! As I said, how exciting!
    You spoke true words when you said you should be kind to everyone. If you believe it, that includes you. If you called to check with the Doctors office you would not be "the heifer that calls relentlessly and nags them to schedule my surgery." When you called with kindness and enthusiasm you would be the woman who has done the work and is eager to get things moving to the next step.
    I look forward to hearing when you get a date.
